"vicious circle" の検索結果 51 件

  1. Details Regarding Forged Circles and Forged Rings

    Details Regarding Forged Circles and Forged Rings

    What is Forged Circles And Forged Rings?Forging is one of the oldest methods of metalworking. It involves shaping hot metal into specific shapes with hammers, pieces of metal, and other tools. Forg...



    Polishing is divided into precision polishing and decorative polishing. Improve precision polishing: generally, when the dimensional accuracy and roughness of metal surface are very high, use grind...

  3. 3/4 inch x 1/8 inch N52 Strong Round Magnets Cylinder Magent Small Circle Magnet

    3/4 inch x 1/8 inch N52 Strong Round Magnets Cylinder Magent Small Circle Magnet

    This powerful neodymium disc magnet measures 3/4" in diameter, 1/8" in thickness, with the pull force of 11.7 lb vertically. It is made from an alloy of neodymium, iron and boron, plated ...

  4. Learn Everything About Forged Rings and Forged Circles

    Learn Everything About Forged Rings and Forged Circles

    How do forged rings and circles differ from one another?Forged Rings is indeed a manufacturing technique that involves punching a hole in a massive, solid, circular metal piece to make a donut sha...

  5. EVA Terrazzo Playmat

    EVA Terrazzo Playmat

    EVA Terrazzo PlaymatFor creating a terrazzo playmat design, we're inspired by traditional European terrazzo that marble workers pressed bits of leftover marble into the clay floors of their te...

  6. 作業の後の野イチゴが美味いこと



  7. Small Circle of Friends 12th ALBUM "cell"

    Small Circle of Friends 12th ALBUM "cell"


  8. Wedding Usage

    Wedding Usage

    The wedding is the most important thing in a girl’s life, every bride all hope her wedding to be unique in the world, so the layout of the wedding is very important, and the choice of the placemats...

  9. 箪笥ドレス



  10. _Fot half circle bag

    _Fot half circle bag

    好評のバッグが今シーズンも届きました_Fot の half circle bagその名の通り半円をモチーフにしたバッグです厚みのある牛革を使用しエンボスシュリンクを生かした裁ち切り仕様になっています1枚皮で作られた裏地もポケットもないシンプルなデザインで男女問わずに使って頂けます半円のフォルムとデザインが中性的でニュートラルな雰囲気A4サイズや雑誌なども入るサイズ感は普段使いにぴったりです台...

1 - 10 / 総件数:51 件